Release Notes EdasWin ------------------------------------------ 16.46 24.7.2024 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Right click in empty analysis window ends with abnormal termination. New: Cursor info window for time diagramm reworked ------------------------------------------ 16.45 18.7.2024 ------------------------------------------- New: Values in Cursor window are now right aligned. New: User sort of file names in data file dialog is possible. Fixed: Cursor in analysis window shows sometimes to few channels. ------------------------------------------ 16.44 17.6.2024 ------------------------------------------- New: FadeIn FadeOut and FAdeBetween (Fdin,Fdout, Fdbw) functions on analysis calculator. New: Changing file name in channel selection window (Multiselection) supports export in MDF4 Format ------------------------------------------ 16.43 6.6.2024 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Reading MF4 data file shows error message. " Rat. Polynom not supported" Fixed: Display of imported unit "m/s²" shows special characters ------------------------------------------ 16.42 16.05.2024 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: External videos (mpg,avi ...) can*t be shown. ------------------------------------------ 16.41 14.03.2024 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Textmarken im Analysefenster setzen mit markierten Kanälen und "Zeit" checkbox abgehakt zeigt Zeitline nicht an. ------------------------------------------ 16.40 27.02.2024 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Sometimes keywords in table for analysis window will not properly replaced. Fixed: Analysis calculer and cursor dialog may be invisible if the main screen is on the right side. ------------------------------------------ 16.39 14.02.2024 ------------------------------------------- Neu: Adjustable line width in analysis window for signals and axes/grid. ------------------------------------------ 16.38 31.01.2024 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Export in MF4 Format doesn't work properly if the clkrates of the channels are different. ------------------------------------------ 16.37 21.12.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: MF4 export from analysis window does not work properly if the channels have different clock rates. ------------------------------------------ 16.36 1.12.2023 ------------------------------------------- New: Reference line (entering the Y position in the channel property) is now drawn in the channel color. This means that they can be assigned to the corresponding channel even when channels are placed one on top of the other. ------------------------------------------ 16.34 25.09.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Export to RPC3 file with option "Sort by measuring point number" doesn't sort the scaling from the display. This means that measured values may be limited or too small for this RPC3 format. ------------------------------------------ 16.33 13.09.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Export in EdasWin data format can rarely get stuck in an endless loop. EdasWin can then no longer be used. ------------------------------------------ 16.33 13.09.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Change file (multiple selection...) does not take the file extension into account (e.g.: .edt) This can lead to crashes or hangs. Fixed: The option "Load document without calculating" makes no sense for Multiple selection of data files and export. The feature is temporarily switched off. ------------------------------------------ 16.32 22.08.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Is channel reference in channel selection window (bottom left) set to Automatic, then no signals are displayed in the analysis window. New: For edt measurement data with virtually defined CAN/CANFD and FlexRay channels the first undefined values are set to the first valid value. New: When opening an efs file, the file dialog for the description file now also offers ".dbc" (CAN data base) files. ------------------------------------------ 16.31 10.08.2023 ------------------------------------------- Neu: for efs measurement the first undefined value will be set to the first valid value. ------------------------------------------ 16.30 19.07.2023 ---- -------------------------------------- New: Bookmark have more options. Fixed: Common text mark for all channels is sometimes no longer visible after zooming. ------------------------------------------ 16.29 17.07.2023 ---- -------------------------------------- New: Channel marking in the context menu of the analysis window. Function: delete all, mark all channels of a file. New: Channel reference (Mnr, name or logical channel number) is now extended by automatic. New: Marking of the channel reference in the channel report view depending on the selected one Mode (Mnr, Name, logical channel number or Automatic) -------------------------------------------16.28 4.07.2023 ---- --------------------------------------- Fixed: Cursor is no longer visible behind charts and other objects in the layout New: selectable orientation of table in table function ------------------------------------------ 16.27 28.06.2023 ------------------------------------------- Neu: Filekonverter efs->mf4 erzeugt für FlexRay eine um 1/3 kleinere Datei. ------------------------------------------ 16.26 28.06.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Filekonverter efs->mf4 erzeugt bei Messung mit VXII Boxen um Faktor 100 zu große X-Achse. Wenn VX10 Boxen beteiligt sind. ist das Ergebniss in Ordnung. ------------------------------------------ 16.25 22.06.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Fortschrittsanzeige während Anzeige von Kanälen aud efs Dateien können zu Fehlermeldungen wie "Eine unbennante Datei..." führen. ------------------------------------------ 16.24 20.06.2023 ------------------------------------------- Neu: Erweiterte Fehlermeldungen bei Fileoperationen ------------------------------------------ 16.23 31.05.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: In seltenen Fällen kann die Funktion "Messdateien übertragen Block->Linear") zur Meldung "zu wenig Speicher" führen. (Hängt von Fragmentierung des Heap ab). ------------------------------------------ 16.22 23.05.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Tabellenfunktionen geben immer Messstellennummern aus, statt der gewünschten Information. Neu: Erweiterte Funktion für Beschriftungsmarken im Analysefenster Neu: Cursor Setzen auf definierte Spanne Neu: 20 und 24 point font in EdasWin. ------------------------------------------ 16.21 17.05.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Linearisierungsfunktion fehlerhaft seit Compiler wechsel July 2022 Fixed: Sometimes the cursor window flickers. New: Same Y-axis for selected channels. New: Selections dialog for channel mark show the filename, if data from more than one file are involved. New: Für übereinandergelegte Kanäle mit gleicher Y-Achse wird nur noch eine Skala gezeigt. Neu: Diagram based marks ------------------------------------------ 16.19 24.04.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Table (F7) formats wrong since Windows 10H2/11. Fixed: Transferring measurement data from block format to linear format can cause various error messages turn up. Fixed: Transfer of measurement data from block format to linear format: The target directory becomes the file names added instead of used as path. ------------------------------------------ 16.18 14.04.2023 ------------------------------------------- New: Decimal komma in numeric fields will translated to '.' ------------------------------------------ 16.17 30.03.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Screen Scalierung > 100% in the display settings makes fonts of cursor window bigger than the window. The unit is no more readable. ------------------------------------------ 16.15 27.03.2023 ------------------------------------------- New: Progressbar for mf4 Export. Fixed: "Rewrite data in original data set" doesn't function properly depending on the datat type. ------------------------------------------ 16.14 6.03.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Analysis calculator not visible if previously on 2nd screen and this screen is deconnected. Neu: Conversion from degree in minutes*100000 changes unit. ------------------------------------------ 16.13 14.02.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Display of Video from EdasVX can terminate the program.(After switching optimizing options). Fixed: Export of analog data und video sequenz into wmv file terminates the progran in Windows 11. ------------------------------------------ 16.12 3.02.2023 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Mouse wheel and ctrl key shifts signal minimal after zooming if no selection frame is activ. ------------------------------------------ 16.11 29.11.2022 ------------------------------------------- New: Width of cursor dialog window is now sizeable by mouse. New: Cursor dialog as well as the cursor windows in the signal view are no longer transparent. Fixed: Left click next to view channel with overlaid analysis channel shows in selection window confused signs next to name and unit. Fixed: Sometimes cells in the cursor dialog table are not completely deleted. Fixed: Cursor windows can overlap on overlaid channels and are unreadable. New: Text in cursor windows is now in signal color for overlaid channels. New: Export from analysis to MDF4 file. ------------------------------------------ 16.10 25.11.2022 ------------------------------------------- New: Export of EFS (FlexRay + CAN/FD) to MDF4 file in connection with a FIBEX file. ------------------------------------------ 16.02 07.09.2022 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Report view and loading an ewd file can lead to a crash. Fixed: Microsoft Defender reports a virus on some computers. Due to other compiler optimization is that fixed. ------------------------------------------ 16.01 07.09.2022 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: The name of the analysis in the analysis selection window is not saved correctly. ------------------------------------------ 16.00 12.08.2022 ------------------------------------------- New: Automation via multiple selection of the files can now also be integrated into the existing edt file export New: Group icon in channel report window New: Grouping now also offers the same scaling for the overlaid channels. New: Define names for analysis ------------------------------------------ 15.92 14.07.2022 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Autopolarity function reacts to manualy engtered polaritytext. A complete recalculation doesn't invert this channel then properly. Fixed: Overlay channels in analysis window and zoom. Generate a new analysis and go back to the first analysis. Edaswin hangs. Fixed: Overlay channels in analysis window and zoom. Enter modify mode sometimes doesn#t show a signal. Fixed: Overlay channels in analysis window and zoom. Leave modify mode. Sometimes EdasWin hangs. ------------------------------------------ 15.91 6.04.2022 ------------------------------------------- New: Loading "efs" files without embedded FIBEX file call AssignFibex automaticaly. ------------------------------------------ 15.90 7.03.2022 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Reading ASCII files with many lines of data header can handle data wrong. ------------------------------------------ 15.89 10.02.2022 ------------------------------------------- New Analysis calculator with big buttons via setting menu. New: Revised search in channel report view. New: Export into RPC3 file with sorting for sensor location number. New: Export into RPC3 file gives the number of the channel with different samplingrate. New: Number of Y markers in the analysis window are displayed in the lower left corner of the window. Fixed: Deleting the channels in the analysis window via the context menu until no channel remains, leave the cursor and the selection frame. Sometimes subsequent operations cause EdasWin to crash or hang. Fixed: Pointless special characters in the channel unit that come from the FIBEX file are deleted. New: The analysis rule is highlighted in color. The blue field on the left becomes the Navigation used in the analysis window. ------------------------------------------ 15.88 08.02.2022 ------------------------------------------- Neu: After manual editing in the analysis script(doubleclicko0n line) the mark will be resetted. Neu: Marks im Analyse script window will be removed if marks are set in analysis window. ------------------------------------------ 15.87 26.01.2022 ------------------------------------------- New: Conversion from rad/s into 1/min and back. ------------------------------------------ 15.86 24.01.2022 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Cursor window on second screen is no more visisble after switching to one screen mode. ------------------------------------------ 15.85 7.12.2021 ------------------------------------------- Neu: Convert komplete edt file to RPC3. ------------------------------------------ 15.84 9.11.2021 ------------------------------------------- New: Bigger Icons for search in report view. New: "Cut" function works now also with two cursors. New: YSampling allows supression of X Channel for retransformation. ------------------------------------------ 15.83 20.10.2021 ------------------------------------------- New: Leftclick on a line in analysis script window make this channel visible in the analysisview. New: Searching in report view with search or filter view. New: ; as row delimiter for ASCI export ------------------------------------------ 15.82 13.10.2021 ------------------------------------------- New: Maps and GPS data are always calculated internally to minutes * 100000. Fixed: Old maps calibrated in deg will not shown properly. ------------------------------------------ 15.81 12.10.2021 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Stackoverflow after expansion of datafile with up to 16000 channels. Fixed: Display of channelname in referenced channels (eg. &0.1) in modify mode terminates program. ------------------------------------------ 15.80 30.09.2021 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Map displays sometimes nothing depending on data format and used hardware. ------------------------------------------ 15.79 07.09.2021 ------------------------------------------- New: Show name of channel in behind a referenc (z.B. &s0.2) in Analysis script window Kommentar angezeigt. ------------------------------------------ 15.78 31.08.2021 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: MF4: New data types. New: MF4: Entrys without data are no more displayed in channel selection window Fixed: MF4: Error in zipped data between two blocks (Error in MF4 Data files) ------------------------------------------ 15.77 26.08.2021 ------------------------------------------- New: Calculate GPS data identified by sensor location number from minutes *100000 into degreem. ------------------------------------------ 15.76 6.08.2021 ------------------------------------------- New: You can enter a clkrate for reading asynchrounous MF4 oder MDF data files. ------------------------------------------ 15.75 13.07.2021 ------------------------------------------- New: Egalize offset while merging data files with offc function. New: Convversion from m/s in km/h und km/h in m/s overwrites unit in channel automatic. Fixed: Merging efs /FlexRay and CAN/FD) data) data files doesn't run after supporting 2 CANFD Boxes. ------------------------------------------ 15.74 13.07.2021 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Fibex file with CANFD node contains ']' as last character in comment. Error message is : "Error:5" Fixed: Exporting in EdasWin Format with large amount of data and block format can freeze progress bar in Windows 10. Fixed: Dialog for changes since last version will bve displayed centered on acticve display. ------------------------------------------ 15.73 30.06.2021 ------------------------------------------- Neu: optimized cache für for reading efs files. ------------------------------------------ 15.72 29.06.2021 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Cursor with a minimum of 2 diagramms.Rightklick mouse on cursor line between the diagramms Select "min" in context menu. Abnormal termination in EdasWin. Fixed: Sometines reading of "efs" files freezes the progress bar bottom right. ------------------------------------------ 15.71 13.04.2021 ------------------------------------------- New: RPC3 Export: Dialog for selection of ' ' oder '_' delimiter beetween sensor location number and channelname. Selection for channel name with or without polarity ------------------------------------------ 15.7 04.04.2021 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Generating of sinus or noise with more than 2E9 samples is not possible. New: RPC3 Export with '_' instead ' ' as deliniter beetween sensor location number and channel name. ------------------------------------------ 15.61 08.12.2020 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Not enough space in analysis window for the Y-axis if the preceding diagramm has fewer overlaying channels ------------------------------------------ 15.6 07.12.2020 ------------------------------------------- New: Vector functions ------------------------------------------ 15.52 02.12.2020 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Labels on cursor may run into channel selection window. Neu: Show programmable reference line in time diagram in analysis window. Fixed: Helpfiles EdasWin.pdf und EdasWin_e.pdf not korrekt loaded. ------------------------------------------ 15.51 25.11.2020 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: There is not enough space for Y-axis ifmore than 4 channels are combined in analysis window. New: Format 0.n in table means n signifikante digits. Example #mean(s0,0.5) ------------------------------------------ 15.50 19.11.2020 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: XY-Plott: user naming for channel and left click on channelname doesn_t transfer name to dialog. Fixed: Reading ewd file shows "error in *.ewd file" ------------------------------------------ 15.49 14.10.2020 ------------------------------------------- Neu: Position for Label on XY Plott kann be top right. Additional free user defined text line below xy plott is possible. ------------------------------------------ 15.49 14.10.2020 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: MATLAB export doesn't function for new versions ------------------------------------------ 15.48 17.09.2020 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Dupl or referenz as last command in analysis window and delete of a preceding analysis window can cause an endless loop ------------------------------------------ 15.47 10.09.2020 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: ASCII Import with "(null)" instead "0" in rowes triggers error message ------------------------------------------ 15.46 27.07.2020 ------------------------------------------- New: FIBEX 4.12 is supported. ------------------------------------------ 15.45 06.06.2020 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Only the first 10000 values from a efs file will be shown. ------------------------------------------ 15.44 18.06.2020 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Reading MDF4 data causes abnormal program termination ------------------------------------------ 15.43 28.01.2020 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Videoexport: no Gamma correction Fixed: Videoexport: depending on the resolution only a part of the picture will be exported. ------------------------------------------ 15.42 9.01.2020 ------------------------------------------- New: Using video export with analog- and videos now uses the original fps setting from the source video ------------------------------------------ 15.41 2.10.2019 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Loading ewd file with map but missing map on media and then using cursor generates abnormal termination. ------------------------------------------ 15.4 29.09.2019 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Overwrite of clkrate FlexRay data files. (file with extension efs) ------------------------------------------ 15.33 19.07.2019 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Call of ewd file with assigned FIBEX file generates abnormal termination if the FIBEX file is no more existent. ------------------------------------------ 15.32 17.06.2019 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Video recorded with EdVidUSB shoes error message. Fixed: Video recorded with EdVidUSB doesn't show on the windows position. ------------------------------------------ 15.31 15.03.2019 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Video resets existing cursor to 0 Fixed: Video (evs) start width maximum size on screen Fixed: Abnormal termination if Video (evs) to short and cursor at end of data New: Video files with avi,mpg or wmv extension are recognized ------------------------------------------ 15.3 14.11.2018 ------------------------------------------- New: Video Export for all camera resolutions ------------------------------------------ 15.2 31.10.2018 ------------------------------------------- New: Support for FIBEX 4.1 ------------------------------------------ 15.1 17.09.2018 ------------------------------------------- New: Supports encrypted efs data header ------------------------------------------ 15.00 20.5.2018 ------------------------------------------- New: Supports USB3 Camera streams Fixed: Ratio for video is always 4:3 ------------------------------------------ 14.92 7.2.2017 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: New time axis from the synchronisations funktion sometimes generates to much values. ------------------------------------------ 14.91 22.12.2017 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Manual entered position in cursor window will o m ore accepted. ------------------------------------------ 14.9 12.10.2017 ------------------------------------------- New: Function for synchronizing data with different or non linear x axis. ------------------------------------------ 14.8 1.6.2016 ------------------------------------------- New: Regression can manage one x mark and more then 1 y mark. ------------------------------------------ 14.79 12.01.2016 ------------------------------------------- New: Export in binary file can store a matching header file with "txt" extension ------------------------------------------ 14.78 11.01.2016 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Video window reflects aspect ratio of video during sizing Fixed: Zoom in curs window (GPS) zooms from upper left point Fixed: Deleting cursor in analysis window doesn't delete cursor in Curs window Fixed: Missing GPS values in the beginning of a measurement will be filled with the first found valid value. ------------------------------------------ 14.77 16.12.2015 ------------------------------------------- New: TEAC data set : Longitude is not negative for longitude with W (West) präfix ------------------------------------------ 14.76 29.10.2015 ------------------------------------------- New: Slow Motion videos can be displayed with keyword $VideoSlowMotion in data header ------------------------------------------ 14.75 12.10.2015 ------------------------------------------- New: Cursor window near cursor line can be deactivated ------------------------------------------ 14.74 24.09.2015 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: per function RPM counts sometimes wrong for 1 clock. ------------------------------------------ 14.73 28.07.2015 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Can't read old Edas (DOS) data files. ------------------------------------------ 14.72 01.07.2015 ------------------------------------------- Neu: OpenStreetMap map generation with coordinates recognized with sensor location numbers. ------------------------------------------ 14.71 21.06.2015 ------------------------------------------- New: Using OpenStreetMap for automatic generation of map from data set with GPS koordinates Fixed: Reading *.rsp data set with errornous data header (missing keyword CHANNELS) Fixed: Assigned DBC (for CAN Bus stream) file will not be stored in the dokument ------------------------------------------ 14.7 21.04.2015 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Shift function supports padding with zeros or last value ------------------------------------------ 14.61 10.03.2015 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Merging edt data files with corresponding FlexRay data files (.efs extension) generates error message "Debug1". ------------------------------------------ 14.60 19.02.2015 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Reading of ASCII data files: If some channels are not named names/unit and data is not correct assigned. ------------------------------------------ 14.59 17.02.2015 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: illegal measurement values will be appended on signales from efs date files ------------------------------------------ 14.58 28.01.2015 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Drift(..) with uncalculated but zoomed time range corrects wrong time range. ------------------------------------------ 14.57 6.11.2014 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Extrakt FlexRay Messages from EFS file writes message ID dezimal instead hex. ------------------------------------------ 14.56 30.10.2014 ------------------------------------------- Neu: Directreader reads MDF 4.0 Files exportes TurboLab. ------------------------------------------ 14.55 29.10.2014 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: EFS data file: If faktor for calculation from FIBEX file is 0 the software assumes 1 as default. New: Extract FlexRay Messages from EFS data file. ------------------------------------------ 14.54 29.10.2014 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: EFS data file und FIBEX 3.1: Some channels are not read correctly. ------------------------------------------ 14.53 27.10.2014 ------------------------------------------- New: Cursor(...) Function in text window can handel fraction digits now. ------------------------------------------ 14.52 18.09.2014 ------------------------------------------- New: Access to contents of EFS files with self defined table in TXT file. ------------------------------------------ 14.51 17.09.2014 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Sometimes abnormal program termination after reading MDF4 files. ------------------------------------------ 14.5 12.09.2014 ------------------------------------------- New: Direct reader for MDF4 data files. New Converter for MDF4 files. ------------------------------------------ 14.43 02.09.2014 ------------------------------------------- Neu: change of file name in chanels selection windowat changes the corresponding FleyRay (*.efs) data file too. Fixed: Transfer file from blöock to linear mode doesnt copy the corresponding FlexRay (*.efs) data file. ------------------------------------------ 14.42 08.08.2014 ------------------------------------------- New: Max. number of channels increased to 4096 ------------------------------------------ 14.41 25.07.2014 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: Channel report window doesn't show FLX Icon if FlexRay binary exists for edt data file. ------------------------------------------ 14.4 24.04.2014 ------------------------------------------- New: Support of FlexRay binary files with extension 'efs' ------------------------------------------ 14.3 2.03.2014 ------------------------------------------- New: Replace() Function on analysis calculator. Replaces Siganl without changing Name,MNR, log channels number etc. ------------------------------------------ 14.2 16.01.2014 ------------------------------------------- New: Load and store color scheme in color dialog (Main menu -> settings -> colors) New: Definable width and high for analysis window (Mainmenu -> View) ------------------------------------------ 14.13 13.01.2014 ------------------------------------------- Fixed: rpm Mode in per() mode delivers same result as freq. Muliplikation with 60 is missing. ------------------------------------------ 14.13 18.12.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: rpm node in per() delivers 0 as result. ------------------------------------------ 14.12 29.10.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: small 'p' could not be entered in text windows. ------------------------------------------ 14.11 5.09.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: ch10 sequential files will rarely not be merged properly. ------------------------------------------ 14.1 20.08.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: lowpass filter runs as fixpoint since version 14.00 filter. This generates more noise. ------------------------------------------ 14.00 18.07.2013-------------------------------------------- New: Filter funktions combined in "filter" button on analysis calculator ------------------------------------------ 13.01 15.07.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Merge of "edt" Files under the mainmenu writes zeros if the files are linear organised. ------------------------------------------ 13.00 10.07.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Grid lines in diagram of octave analysis may overlay the signal. ------------------------------------------ 12.99 08.07.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: 16 Bit data in 32 bit data set will be read wrong. In this case all channels show strange values. This behavior is since Version 12.94 ------------------------------------------ 12.98 05.07.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Octave analysis doesn't show a result. ------------------------------------------ 12.97 02.07.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Spike suppression doesn't allow negative values as absolut level. ------------------------------------------ 12.96 24.05.2013-------------------------------------------- Neu: Supports new synchronisation scheme for asynchronous video streams. ------------------------------------------ 12.95 26.04.2013-------------------------------------------- New: For conversion from GPS coordinates in m it is possible to chose starting point a refernce (0m,0m). ------------------------------------------ 12.94 16.04.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: RPC3 Import with length of channel name == 96 chars appends following keyword to the channel name Fixed: Read to much channels from CH10 file cause "out of memory"c error. ------------------------------------------ 12.93 15.04.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: ASCII Import adaption to FalCon high speed video system ------------------------------------------ 12.92 15.04.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Export into RPC3 and channel name with more than 96 characters writes invalid header ------------------------------------------ 12.91 09.03.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: No more phase shift in per(...) function (was not wrong but confusing) ------------------------------------------ 12.90 08.03.2013-------------------------------------------- New: Channel Frequency class Filters CHC60, CFC180, CFC600 and CFC1000 ------------------------------------------ 12.86 14.02.2013-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Sound channel as first and onest channels will not be displayed. ------------------------------------------ 12.85 29.01.2013-------------------------------------------- Neu: CTRL+Cursor left, CTRL+Cursor right changes the display rangein zoom mode (equivalenmt to CTRL+Mouse wheel) ------------------------------------------ 12.83 20.10.2012-------------------------------------------- New: UFF58 Export can write an own file for every channel New: UFF58 Export always in double format New: Selectable stream number for export of video streams and analog data into a WMV, if more then one stream exists. ------------------------------------------ 12.82 04.10.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Pressing the "Repeat" button without prior calculation terminates abnormal for damage calculation. ------------------------------------------ 12.81 06.09.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Y-Sampling (new sampling) with 64 Bit floating point numbers as X-axis writes wrong data. ------------------------------------------ 12.80 28.08.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Old video sequences without white balance will be displayed to dark. ------------------------------------------ 12.79 24.07.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: The X- and Y- axis of X/Y plot with more than 2 curves combined in one diagram can not be changed manualy. ------------------------------------------ 12.78 10.07.2012-------------------------------------------- New: Automatic synchronization of videos captured with unsynchronized running cameras ------------------------------------------ 12.77 04.07.2012-------------------------------------------- New: DATaRec4 CH10 with foreign annotation block can be read. Only voltage range will be shown. ------------------------------------------ 12.76 03.07.2012-------------------------------------------- New: DATaRec4 annotation can be read from PC if none is in the ch10 file. ------------------------------------------ 12.75 20.06.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Cut function for data points and export into EdasWin format exports invalid values ------------------------------------------ 12.74 19.06.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Cut function for data points converts from 64 Bit into 32 Bit floating point ------------------------------------------ 12.73 19.06.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Insert function for data points converts from 64 Bit into 32 Bit floating point ------------------------------------------ 12.72 18.06.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Insert function for data points doesn't function with number of data points > 262140 ------------------------------------------ 12.71 23.05.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Concatenate of edt data files (in Export/Import of main menu) exports sometimes to few data points for the last channel. ------------------------------------------ 12.70 16.04.2012-------------------------------------------- Neu: Insert datapoints from selection frame behind the first cursor position. ------------------------------------------ 12.68 13.03.2012-------------------------------------------- New: Autoscaling for exporting WAV with diagram yhigh and ylow as highest level. ------------------------------------------ 12.67 9.03.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Merge of "edt" files generated with with foreign software packages can generate an abnormal termination. ------------------------------------------ 12.66 28.02.2012-------------------------------------------- New: Read compressed herader from ch10. ------------------------------------------ 12.65 13.02.2012-------------------------------------------- New: White balance from Videosteam is used. ------------------------------------------ 12.64 07.02.2012-------------------------------------------- New: Export in EdasWin Format allows selection wether the analysis lines to be exported or not. ------------------------------------------ 12.63 26.01.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Concatenation of "edt" files that have been measured with several days between them, are sometimes concatenated in the wrong order. ------------------------------------------ 12.62 17.01.2012-------------------------------------------- Fixed: CH10 Files: CAN messages with 29 Bit CANid will not be recognized. ------------------------------------------ 12.61 11.01.2012-------------------------------------------- New: EdasWin can play files (sound card) with 22050 and 44100 Hz sample frequency. ------------------------------------------ 12.6 9.01.2012-------------------------------------------- Neu: EdasWin without Dongle can read and show all supported data formats. ------------------------------------------ 12.5 4.12.2012-------------------------------------------- New: Support of CH10 files with CAN messages. ------------------------------------------ 12.45 2.12.2011-------------------------------------------- New: Revision of 1/N Octav analysis ------------------------------------------ 12.44 25.10.2011-------------------------------------------- New: F12 makes screen shot of EdasWin application and stores it in the folder \\EdasWin\Screen New: Ctrl+F12 makes Screen shot from complete screen and stores it in the folder \\EdasWin\Screen ------------------------------------------ 12.42 12.10.2011-------------------------------------------- New: Direct reader for wav files (PCM coded).Export into WAV file. ------------------------------------------ 12.41 05.10.2011-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Table function leaves tmp.stk file in temporary stack. Fixed: Drift function can't calculate the last data point of a dataser. ------------------------------------------ 12.40 28.09.2011-------------------------------------------- New: Export of Video stream and analog data into a WMV (Windows Media Video) file. ------------------------------------------ 12.31 15.09.2011-------------------------------------------- New: Dongle Remote Control. ------------------------------------------ 12.31 26.08.2011-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Copy + Paste of layout window to WORD 2007 shows an ugly aspect ratio. ------------------------------------------ 12.3 25.08.2011-------------------------------------------- Neu: Merge of .edt files beläßt leaves the original data types (int16, int32, float) and stores the destination file linear organised. ------------------------------------------ 12.22 15.06.2011-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Language switch with Windows 7 doesn't function properly. ------------------------------------------ 12.21 07.06.2011-------------------------------------------- New: Converter from Edas Video Stream (*.evs") to WMV under Export/Inmport menu. ------------------------------------------ 12.20 14.05.2011-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Export data to EdasWin don't write unit for X-axis into data header. ------------------------------------------ 12.19 07.04.2011-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Sensor location numbers in data header with leading blanks will not be recogniuzed. ------------------------------------------ 12.18 06.04.2011-------------------------------------------- New: RPCIII direct reader can read different time and date formats. New: RPCIII export writes time of start measurement in changed format. ------------------------------------------ 12.17 04.04.2011-------------------------------------------- New: 32 Bit CH10 Files now supported. ------------------------------------------ 12.16 15.03.2011-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Y-Axis marks in levelcrossing, Rangepair ... diagrams will not be displayed after window refresh. ------------------------------------------ 12.15 14.03.2011-------------------------------------------- New: File name change in the channel selection window leads to non calculation if the option under settings to "load Doc.without calc." is selected ------------------------------------------ 12.14 11.03.2011-------------------------------------------- New: RPC3 Export writes the date of measurement and not the date of conversion in the header of the RPC3 file. ------------------------------------------ 12.13 1.03.2011-------------------------------------------- New: Rainflow bzw. Rangepair aus Rainflow erkennt Bereichsüberschreitung und fragt nach Weiterrechnen ------------------------------------------ 12.12 25.02.2011-------------------------------------------- New: Mark dialog for overlayed channels allows delete of all marks. ------------------------------------------ 12.11 24.02.2011-------------------------------------------- New: Simultaneous marking of overlayed signals is possible. ------------------------------------------ 12.1 22.02.2011-------------------------------------------- New: Replace time marks ------------------------------------------ 12.06 14.11.2011-------------------------------------------- Neu: Set maximum length of line buffer up to 32768 characters for ASCII Inmport ------------------------------------------ 12.05 10.12.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: UFF58 Export crashes with big files. ------------------------------------------ 12.04 09.12.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Rewrite processed signals back to the original dataset. ------------------------------------------ 12.03 07.12.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Per() Function of Analysis calculator supports frequenz und RPM calculation. ------------------------------------------ 12.02 28.11.2010-------------------------------------------- New: New window function (Low Sidelob) for FFT based analysis. Fixed: UFF58 Export callc MATLAB Export. ------------------------------------------ 12.02 25.10.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Working with memory commands (sto und rcl) of the anqalysis calculator is not possible in the advanced (yellow background) mode. ------------------------------------------ 12.01 19.10.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Marks in anqalysis window will be stored with the document New: Break apart Auseinanderlegen von Übereinnaderliegenden Signalen funktioniert auch einzeln New: Kursfenster wird mitgeladen wenn es beim Speichern anwesend war. New: Fahrbahnranddarstellung farbig (links:gruen rechts:rot) ------------------------------------------ 12.00 29.09.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Lane analysis with GPS coordinates. ------------------------------------------ 11.99 28.09.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Invert the sequence of measurement points. Call via "conv" Menü in analysis calculator. ------------------------------------------ 11.98 15.08.2010-------------------------------------------- Neu: Varianz, Skewness and Kurtosis functions for tables and analysis calculator. ------------------------------------------ 11.97 29.07.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Power Spektrum additional to Power Spectal Density in analysis menu. New: Cross Spektrum additional to Cross Spectal Density in analysis menu. ------------------------------------------ 11.96 27.07.2010-------------------------------------------- New: If the Analysis calculator is shifted outside the desktop (e.g. switch screen resolution) it will be removed to the left upper corner on the desktop after the next start of EdasWin. ------------------------------------------ 11.95 28.05.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Can't read new ch10 files. ------------------------------------------ 11.94 12.05.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Export in RPC3 Format adds the channel polarity to the channel name. ------------------------------------------ 11.93 05.04.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: ZOOM into result window crashes after the 5th repeat. ------------------------------------------ 11.92 28.04.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Rename DATaRec4API.dll to ch10.dll to avoid side effects when updating EdWin or EdasWin. Fixed: Newest DATaRec4API.dll doesn't read "chapter 10" files. ------------------------------------------ 11.91 19.04.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Very seldom all channels will displaed black. (Since Version 11.90) ------------------------------------------ 11.90 14.04.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Now 16 channels are displayable with different colors instead 8 channels. ------------------------------------------ 11.89 13.04.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Frequency response function in very old EdasWin documenten is not upward compatible ------------------------------------------ 11.88 30.03.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Video control bar is dockable in the main window. Fixed: Sometimes a pretriggered video sequence shows a window without contents (black) ------------------------------------------ 11.87 19.03.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: ASCI import with skipping of lines can show wrong first values. ------------------------------------------ 11.86 16.03.2010-------------------------------------------- Neu: Enter a second path for the temporary stack. Selection is based on availability. ------------------------------------------ 11.85 10.03.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Extension for GPS data measured with EdWin/EWinView ------------------------------------------ 11.84 09.03.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Expansion of the possible number of different switching events for the switching force evaluation of Double Clutch Transmission ------------------------------------------ 11.83 04.03.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Loading a document (*. EWD file) with embedded data and a subsequent change of the data file can delete it. ------------------------------------------ 11.82 01.03.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Calculation with marks in modified mode shows error message 'To few operators'. ------------------------------------------ 11.81 24.02.2010-------------------------------------------- New: EdasWin reads video streams which were sampled with pretrigger. ------------------------------------------ 11.80 09.02.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Read of RPC data files givevs an abnormal termination since version 11.78 if reportview is selectes to show the channel data. ------------------------------------------ 11.79 08.02.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Return from Modify mode without a channel gives an abnormal termination. ------------------------------------------ 11.78 01.12.2010-------------------------------------------- Neu: Report view shows data type of channel in data file. ------------------------------------------ 11.77 26.01.2010-------------------------------------------- New: Export in EdasWin format can now export the marked ranges. The sequence of marks defines the sequence of exported blocks. ------------------------------------------ 11.76 21.01.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Depending on the number of available data points and the previous frequency analysis set number of FFT points the number of intervals is 0. ------------------------------------------ 11.75 19.01.2010-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Advanded analysis (yelliow background) shows sometimes a wrong name of channel if you append channels. ------------------------------------------ 11.74 08.12.2009-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Basic aritjmetic operatinos in advanced analysis with two marks schows wrong result. This kind of operation is useful only for testing purposes. ------------------------------------------ 11.73 02.12.2009-------------------------------------------- Fixed: File name will be display with missinig characters ------------------------------------------ 11.72 18.11.2009-------------------------------------------- Fixed: The phase result of transfer function frf() is always in rad, too if degree is selected. eingestell immer in rad aus. ------------------------------------------ 11.71 17.11.2009-------------------------------------------- Fixed: EdasWin allows licence transfer from dongle to computer, too if only a EdWin/EWinView dongle is plugged ans reports the transfer as successful. Fixed: Repairkey doesn't function since version 11.70 ------------------------------------------ 11.70 16.11.2009-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Some problems with dongle transfer (to computer and back) if timzone will be changed. Too with change between summertime and wintertime. ------------------------------------------ 11.68 04.11.2009-------------------------------------------- Neu: Universal File Format UFF58 export and UFF58 binary export and direct reader. ------------------------------------------ 11.67 16.10.2009-------------------------------------------- Fixiert: Transfer function, Auto spectrum, Cross spectrum and Coherenc don't set the selection frame automatic with the first call. ------------------------------------------ 11.66 21.09.2009-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Mmax() und Mmin() calculation with selection frame generates error message "out of memory". ------------------------------------------ 11.65 18.09.2009-------------------------------------------- New: Some Errors with ch10 files. -------------------------------------------11.63 25.08.2009-------------------------------------------- New: Error message if the path for temporary data is not writable or invalid. -------------------------------------------11.62 24.08.2009-------------------------------------------- New: Double conversion on analysis calculator (conv...) to increase resolution on following operations. Fixed: ASCII Import goes wrong if line begind with column seperator. -------------------------------------------11.61 13.08.2009-------------------------------------------- Fixed: $FileName in table will not be replaces correctly. New: Increase the resolution by a factor of 2 when print in jpg or bmp image. Fixed: Deleting a file in the file selection window can crash if a table function uses a subsequent file. -------------------------------------------11.60 31.07.2009-------------------------------------------- Fixed: Folder with '.' in name gives wrong extensions and destination folders for export. -------------------------------------------11.60 31.07.2009-------------------------------------------- Neu: Wave form converter wcnv(..) function on analysis calculator. -------------------------------------------11.59 03.07.2009-------------------------------------------- New: Modulo function on analysis calculator. -------------------------------------------11.58 21.06.2009-------------------------------------------- New: Read of DataRec4 ch10 daten files. -------------------------------------------11.57 10.06.2009-------------------------------------------- Fixed: MATLAB Export is errornous for double format. -------------------------------------------11.56 27.05.2009-------------------------------------------- New: Changed legend for gear force diagrams. -------------------------------------------11.55 20.05.2009-------------------------------------------- New: Demo mode via internet. -------------------------------------------11.54 2.05.2009--------------------------------------------- New: Gear force analysis:Level for point cloud calculation can be changed. -------------------------------------------11.53 14.05.2009--------------------------------------------- New: Temperature for gear force analysis will be determinated from EdasWin. -------------------------------------------11.52 21.04.2009--------------------------------------------- Fixed: time range marks will not be stored -------------------------------------------11.51 01.04.2009--------------------------------------------- Fixed: Measurement data files > 4 GByte: Export in block format stops at 4GB. -------------------------------------------11.5 26.03.2009--------------------------------------------- New: Measurement data files > 4 GByte will be supported. -------------------------------------------11.41 20.02.2009--------------------------------------------- Fixed: Autospectrum without marking the time signal may abort EdasWin. -------------------------------------------11.40 16.02.2009--------------------------------------------- New: Coherence function -------------------------------------------11.39 09.02.2009--------------------------------------------- New: Cross spectrum CSD New: Auto spectrum PSD New: Extension of transfer function with h0,h1 or h2 -------------------------------------------11.38 04.01.2009--------------------------------------------- Fixed: Expansion for XSheet diagram 1 -------------------------------------------11.37 29.01.2009--------------------------------------------- New: Getxaty(...) function New: The parameters for ASCII Import can be saved and reloaded. New: Expansion of max. evaluable channels to 2048 -------------------------------------------11.36 21.01.2009--------------------------------------------- New: Higher picture resolution for color videos with new debayering algorithm. -------------------------------------------11.35 12.01.2009--------------------------------------------- New: Extended dataheader for video synchronisation. -------------------------------------------11.34 10.12.2008--------------------------------------------- Fixed: SKA cold switch diagram shows to many bars if change gear until 6ed gear. Fixed: XSheet diagrams will not be refreshed after changing the data name in channel context menu Fixed: Multiselction with printing doesn't function. (see channel selection context menu). -------------------------------------------11.33 27.11.2008--------------------------------------------- New: SKA Diagrams extension -------------------------------------------11.32 11.11.2008--------------------------------------------- New: Selection mode (Sln,log chan oder name) in channel selection window will be determined from the last analysis line, if not defined in file (files before 11.31) -------------------------------------------11.31 7.11.2008--------------------------------------------- New: You can enter ranges for the order in order analysis Fixed: New channel in analysis window resets max. disp. channels to 2. New: The column Sln,Name or LChan in report view will be green colored, depending from the selection mode. -------------------------------------------11.30 5.11.2008---------------------------------------------- Fixed: Absolute time axis in cursier window shows only date and hours (field is to small) -------------------------------------------11.29-------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: SKA analysis with point diagram can abort EdasWin -------------------------------------------11.28-------------------------------------------------------- New: rsp dataset wirth DATA_TYPE or FILE_TAPE on the wrong position is readable -------------------------------------------11.27-------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Merging of very many Files doesn't run. (File name buffer is to small) -------------------------------------------11.26-------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Export to Data Chaeck Table aborts EdasWin. -------------------------------------------11.25-------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Measurementlimit (dotted line) will not be shown correct, if the dataset is exported. -------------------------------------------11.24-------------------------------------------------------- New: Data Check tests weather there is a valid sensor location no. -------------------------------------------11.23-------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Levelcrossing with channels of different sample rates will not be allowed -------------------------------------------11.22-------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Lvelcrossing properties dialog don't allow user input for ligh and low if logarithmik axis is choosed -------------------------------------------11.21-------------------------------------------------------- New: Channel report view shows CAN identifier, start bit and word length. Fixed: Open Data Dialog shifts the dialog everytime he i called. Fixed: Cut function is enabled if selctions frame and cursor is on. New: New chanel or "Dupl" function i analysis window scrolls to the end in this window. Fixed: Abort if the copy function copies over the end of channel. -------------------------------------------11.20-------------------------------------------------------- New: Analysis in result window, doesn't set selection frame in the parent analysis. -------------------------------------------11.19-------------------------------------------------------- New: Alt+left click on channel in report view, shows this channel as first channel in the analysis view. -------------------------------------------11.18-------------------------------------------------------- New: Classifying more than one signale without defining ranges classifys with range of first channel (since 11.13) -------------------------------------------11.17-------------------------------------------------------- New: Erweiterung für Schalkraftauswertung Doppelkupplungsgetriebe -------------------------------------------11.16-------------------------------------------------------- New: In channel selection- or channel selection report window the grouping mode doesn't function properly with marked channels and key. -------------------------------------------11.15-------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Reference in advanced analysiscan trigger abnormal program termination (look 11.13) Fixed: Classifying in second analysis classifies from 0 to 0 (since version 11.14) -------------------------------------------11.14-------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Wrong channel name in analysis window -------------------------------------------11.13-------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Advanced analysis can't be edited. -> Abnornmal program termination -------------------------------------------11.12--------------------------------------------------------- New: ASCII Import gives error message if "name line no." less than "unit line no." in manual mode -------------------------------------------11.11--------------------------------------------------------- New: Version tracking in English -------------------------------------------11.10---------------------------------------------------- New: Drag&Drop of data files from the explorer to the channel select window. -------------------------------------------11.09-------------------------------------------------------- New: Add "DATA_TYPE" Keyword to RPC3 Export. Fixed: Autoanalysis don't replace in RangePairR(...) function the test way length and the extapolated test way length -------------------------------------------11.07------------------------------------------------------- New: The output pathes for JPEG pictures and EWD files in the Auto analysis will be checked for validity New: RPC3-reader recognizes keyword "DATA_TYPE" in file header.